All Healing Flows

By Noumi

“The idea that this universe in all its limitless order and precision is the result of blind chance, is as credible as the idea that if a print shop blew up, all the letters would fall down again in the finished and faultless form of the dictionary.”

Albert Einstein

Coming up

Retreat Morocco

We, Noumi and Kes, would like to invite you for a magical trip to Morocco. A week filled with yoga, meditation, breathwork and adventure! Find out more.


Yoga & more

Self healing is essential for our overall well being and quality of life. Meditation, yoga and bodywork bring us closer to our joy, vitality, and inner peace, boosting our self healing capacity. Find out more.

Let's connect

You can contact me for events, private sessions, group and retreatwork. Other questions? Feel free to send me an email.